About Us

Hey there! Thank you for visiting us. Every item in this store is being created with love that later spreads to all corners of the world. What better way than to give joy to others and at the same time be happy about it?

To make your gift even more unique, we provide different forms of their personalization, which further will look exclusively according to your wishes.

All the items are made of the genuine distressed leather, which has a feature to have a decorative scratches and becomes softer with time of usage, having a beautiful timeless shade.

We are glad to help make your gift unexpected and unforgettable, and always ready to cooperate in any questions you may have.

Looking forward to seing you again here, and let all conceived come true!

Kind regards, St. George Leather Shop team.

This store is integrated with the Western Bid™ e-commerce platform, and Western Bid, Inc. is the Merchant of Record for all purchases made in this store. Therefore, you will see "WESTERN BID" listed as the payee on your PayPal account and credit card statement.